msgDeleteConfirmation = Do you really want to delete these files?
msgDeleteArchiveConfirmation = Do you really want to delete this Archive?
msgNoSelectedFiles = No files selected.
msgInvalidArc = This archive is invalid. Do you want Filzip try to fix it?
msgShortcut = A shortcut has been created on the Desktop pointing to this archive.
msgErrorOpenFile = An error occurred while attempting to access a file!
msgUnkownFile = File
msgNextDisk = Please insert disk %d of %d into drive %s
msgNoCryptPlugin = The encryption plugin could not be found. Do you want to go to the Filzip downloads page ( and download it?
msgAddError = An error occurred during add operation.
msgCommentLoadError = Error loading textfile!
msgExtDiskSpace = Not enough free disk space. Continue extract operation?
msgExtFree = free: %s MB
msgExtRequired = required: %s MB
msgMultiDirectoryError = The directory you specified does not exist and%ncould not be created!
msgDirExists = Directory already exists!
msgNotSamePassword = The password you typed is not the same as before!
msgTestOk = %s ...Ok.
msgTestError = %s ...problem detected.
msgTestFixFile = Fixing file %s ...
msgTestFixedFile = ...done, new filename is %s
msgConvertNoSourceFile = The source archive does not exist!%nProcess cancelled.
msgConvertNotValid = The source archive is not valid!%nProcess cancelled.
msgConvertFinished = All files have been converted.
msgConvertArcConverted = The archive was successfully converted.
msgConvertsbProgressPercentage = % done
msgConvertsbProgressExtBegin = Extracting source archive to Temp folder...
msgTestError = %d error(s) or warning(s) were detected
msgTestValid = No errors detected, archive is valid.
msgTestSummaryValid = VALID: Archive %s tested, no errors were found.
msgTestSummaryInvalid = INVALID: Archive %s tested, %d errors were found.
msgTestSummaryNotSupported = INVALID: Archive %s is not an valid archive
msgTestCorruptHeader = Corrupt archive header...
msgTestCorruptHeaderLocal = *Local* header missing or corrupt...
msgTestCorruptHeaderCentral = *Central* header missing or corrupt...
msgTestCorruptHeaderEnding = *Ending* header missing or corrupt...
msgTestztvOk = Tested file %s: ok
msgTestztvError = Tested file %s: failed
msgErrorArchiveRename = Error renaming archive!
msgFileRenameError = Error renaming file.
msgNoInteger = Not an integer value, try again!
msgUUEncodeSuccess= The archive was successfully encoded.
msgErrorUUEncode = An error occurred while encoding archive. Process cancelled.
msgTypeName = Filzip file
msgUpdateCheckInfo = Hit 'Check' to find out about new versions.
msgUpdateCheckStart = Retrieving version information...
msgUpdateCheckError = Error during transfer. Please try again later.
msgUpdateCheckEnd = successfully retrieved version information.
msgUpdateAvailible = There is an update availab. The latest version is Filzip %s.
msgUpdateInstall = Filzip will close now and launch the update file. Do you want to continue?
msgNoDirWriteAccess = Not able to write to directory %s.
msgOverwriteFile = Do you want to overwrite the existing file?%n%nExisting file:%n%n%s%nsize: %s bytes, date: %s%n%nReplace File:%n%n%s%nsize: %s bytes, date: %s
msgVirusScannerNotFound = You need to configure Filzip to use a virus scanner before you can use this feature.%nGo to "Options" -> "Preferences" -> "Program Locations" to configure a virus scanner.
msgBackupSelectFiles = Select items to backup
msgBackupSetOptions = Set options for backup
msgBackupSchedule = Schedule backup
msgBackupScriptPreview = Preview the script
msgBackupRunOnce = Run one time only.
msgBackupRunDaily = Run every day.
msgBackupRunWeekly = Run every %s (once a week).
msgBackupRunMonthly = Run on the %s. day of every month.
msgBackupScriptDialog = Select script location...
msgBackupScriptExists = There is an existing backup script with the filename you entered. Do you want to open it?%n(Answering "No" overwrites the existing script)
msgBackupScriptHeader1 = Filzip backup script
msgBackupScriptHeader2 =
msgBackupScriptOptions = Backup settings:
msgHistory = History
msgFAllFiles = All files (*.*)|*.*;|
msgFExe = Executables (*.exe)|*.exe;|
msgAllArchivesFilter = All archives|*.zip;*.rar;*.jar;*.ace;*.arc;*.arj;*.cab;*.fea;*.gz;*.lzh;*.tar;*.zoo;*.z;*.lha;*.bh;|
msgFAllExe = All archives and .exe files|*.zip;*.rtz;*.rar;*.jar;*.ace;*.arc;*.arj;*.cab;*.gz;*.exe;*.lzh;*.lha;*.bh;*.tar;*.zoo;*.z;|
cbConvertArcKeepSource = Keep source files after archive conversion (sfx)
cbOpenNestedTar = Automatically open nested Tar files in .tar.gz archives
cbEnableASCIIConversion = Enable ASCII translation in Tar files
cbOverwriteTempFiles = Overwrite files in temp folder without asking
cbRemoveTempFiles = Remove temporary files when closing Filzip
Caption = EXE-Options
lDestDir = Destination
lCmdLine = Commandline
lAppTitel = Application title
cbDestDirI0 = TEMP Directory
cbDestDirI1 = Program Files Directory
gbOverwrMode = Existing files
gbOverwrModeI0 = Confirm overwrite
gbOverwrModeI1 = Always overwrite
gbOverwrModeI2 = Never overwrite
gbSfxOptions = SFX Settings
cbAskCmdLn = Display command line
cbAskFile = Display file list
cbHideBox = Display overwrite options
cbAutorun = Do not prompt user before extracting
btnOk = #btnOk
btnCancel = #btnCancel
Caption = Write Zip Span
btnOk = #btnOk
btnCancel = #btnCancel
lSpanInfo = Select predefined size or user defined:
cbSpanModeI0 = 1.2 MB - 5.25" Disk
cbSpanModeI1 = 1.4 MB - 3.5" Disk
cbSpanModeI2 = 2.8 MB - 3.5" Disk
cbSpanModeI3 = 100 MB - Zip-Drive
cbSpanModeI4 = 650 MB - CD-R-650
cbSpanModeI5 = 700 MB - CD-R-700
cbSpanModeI6 = userdefined...
lSpecialSize = Enter custom size (in Kb!)
Caption = Encrypt archives with Rijndael (AES128)
CaptionDecrypt = Decrypt archives
btnEncrypt = &Encrypt
btnDecrypt = &Decrypt
btnCancel = #btnCancel
tsOptions = #cptnOptions
lPassphrase = Type your password - or better your passphrase...
lTypeAgain = ...and type it here again.
Caption = Merge spanned zip file
btnMerge = &Merge
btnCancel = #btnCancel
lSourceHelp = Specify the archive your want to merge.%n%nSelect the last file of the spanned set.
lDest = Merged zip filename:
Caption = Create Backup Script
btnNext = &Next >>
btnLast = << &Last
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnFinish = &Finish
tsBackupFiles = File selection
tsBackupOptions = Settings
tsBackupScript = Script overview
lScriptLocation = Script location
lFiles = Selected files and folders
btnAddFile = Add &files...
btnAddDir = &Add folders...
btnDelete = &Delete
sdBackupScriptCaption = Save/Load the script to/from...
odAddFileCaption = Select files to add...
lBackupFileLocation = Specify the location of the backup file:
cbArcTypeI0 = Zip (.zip)
cbArcTypeI1 = Cabinet (.cab)
cbArcTypeI2 = Lzh (.lzh)
cbArcTypeI3 = GZip (.tar.gz)
lArcType = Archive Type
cbFullPath = Save full path information (default: relative path)
cbTimeStamp = Add time stamp as suffix
lTimeStampFormat = Archive suffix
cbEncrypt = Encrypt
lEncryptPassword = Password (or Passphrase)
lEncryptType = Encryption Method
cbEncryptTypeI0 = Zip Password
cbEncryptTypeI1 = AES (Rijndael)
cbShowMessage = Show message when done
edFinalMessage = Backup done.
cbEnableSchedule = Schedule backup
lRunEvery = Run every
lBackupTime = Time
lBackupDate = Date
cbRunPeriodically = Run periodically
cbBackupEveryI0 = day
cbBackupEveryI1 = week
cbBackupEveryI2 = month
lBackupScriptDesc = Filzip has created a backup script with the following options.%nClick "Backup now" to run the script.
lScheduleDesc = ...
btnAddSchedule = #cptnAdd
btnDelSchedule = #cptnDel
cbRecurseDirs = #cptnSubfolders
btnFilter = Filter...
Caption = Status...
cptnMultiExt = File %d of %d
cptnExtracting = Extracting...
cptnAdding = Adding...
cptnDeleting = Deleting...
lCurrentFileProgress = Current file :
lArchiveProgress = Entire progress :
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnMinimize = &Minimize
Caption = Checkout archive
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnOk = #btnOk
lDescription = All files of this archive will be extracted to the folder you specified and a program group will be built within the Startmenu.
lFolder = Folder:
lGroupName = Group name:
lIconCount = Max. number of icons:
cbOnlyApps = Create shortcuts for applications and documents only
Caption = Archive comment
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnClose = &Set comment
btnClear = &Clear
btnInsert = &Insert from file
Caption = Copy & Move Archive
lDestMove = Move Archive %s to:
lDestCopy = Copy Archive %s to:
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnNewFolder = New folder...
rgFunktion = Function
rgFunktionI0 = Copy
rgFunktionI1 = Move
Caption = Delete files
btnDelete = &Delete
btnCancel = #btnCancel
gbDel = Files to delete
rbSelFiles = Selected files
rbAllFiles = All files
rbByExt = Files:
Caption = Exclude from Adding
btnSave = &Save
btnLoad = &Load
btnOk = #btnOk
btnCancel = #btnCancel
Caption = Extract files
lDest = Destination:
btnExt = &Extract
btnNewDir = &New Folder
rgFileOpt = Files
cbDirNames = #cptnDirNames
cbOverwrite = #cptnOverwrite
cbUpdate = #cptnUpdate
cbOpenFolder = Open folder after extract
rgFileOptI0 = All files
rgFileOptI1 = Selected files
Caption = Rename file
btnOk = #btnOk
btnCancel = #btnCancel
lNewName = New filename:
lNewPath = New path:
Caption = Extract multiple files
odDialogCaption = Select the files for extract
cbFunctionI0 = Same directory
cbFunctionI1 = Same directory & create Subdirs
cbFunctionI2 = Each in its location
cbFunctionI3 = Each in its location & create Subdirs
lvFilesFilename = Filename
lvFilesPath = Path
lbDestDir = Destination
btnAddFiles = &Add files
btnDelFiles = &Delete files
lbFunction = Extract..
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnOk = #btnOk
cbOlder = #cptnUpdate
cbOverwrite = #cptnOverwrite
cbDirectories = #cptnDirNames
Caption = Create new folder
lCurrentDir = Current Dir:
lNewDir = New Folder
btnCreate = &Create
Caption = Testing archive...
msgTestBegin = Testing archive:
msgTestEnd = Archive tested.
msgTestError = %d error(s) or warning(s) were detected
mTestValid = No errors detected, archive is valid.
mSummaryValid = VALID: Archive %s tested, no errors were found.
mSummaryInvalid = INVALID: Archive %s tested, %d errors were found.
mSummaryNotSupported = INVALID: Archive %s is not an valid archive
btnTest = &Test
btnClose = #btnClose
tsSummary = #cptnSummary
tsDetails = #cptnDetails
Caption = Confirm file overwrite
lReplace = Replace file:
lReplaceWith = with file:
btnYes = #btnYes
btnNo = #btnNo
btnYestoall = Y&es to all
btnNotoall = N&o to all
btnCancel = #btnCancel
Caption = Set password
Caption2nd = Reenter password
CaptionGetPassword = Password needed
btnOk = #btnOk
btnCancel = #btnCancel
cbMask = Mask password
lPasswordDesc = Password:
lPasswordHint = Please reenter the same password to validate it.
lPasswordHintGet = Please enter password to extract files.
Caption = Rename Archive
lOldName = Old name:
lNewName = New name:
btnRename = #btnRename
btnCancel = #btnCancel
Caption = UUEncode or XXEncode archive...
lAction = Encoding method:
cbActionI0 = UUEncode
cbActionI1 = XXEncode
cbWriteTable = Write table to file
btnOk = #btnOk
btnCancel = #btnCancel
lSourceFile = #cptnSourceFile
lTargetFile = #cptnTargetFile
Caption = Repair damaged zip files
btnClose = #btnClose
btnRepair = &Repair
tsSummary = #cptnSummary
tsDetails = #cptnDetails
Caption = Convert archive...
btnOk = #btnOk
btnCancel = #btnCancel
tsOptions = #cptnOptions
tsDetails = #cptnDetails
lSourceFile = #cptnSourceFile
lTargetFile = #cptnTargetFile
lAction = #cptnAction
cbActionI0 = #cptnCreateNewArchive
cbActionI1 = Add to archive
cbDelSource = Delete source file
gbArcType = Convert archive to:
cbIntegCheck = Integrity check
lDir = Directory
lDirType = Dest. mode
cbDirTypeI0 = Store in directory given above
cbDirTypeI1 = Store in archive directory
Caption = Archive properties
btnClose = #btnClose
lCompIndicator = Compression:
lArchiveType = Archive type:
lName = Name:
lSize = Size:
lPath = Path:
lFileCount = File(s):
lDateTime = Date/Time
Caption = Associate with Filzip
btnAsso = &Associate
btnCancel = #btnCancel
lbText = For full access to Filzip's shell interface, Filzip must be associated with all archive files. Filzip is currently not associated with Archive files.%nIf you are unsure, click Associate.
cbNever = Never ask again
lSelectAsso = Select the filetypes you want to open with Filzip:
lByFilename = Enter a filename to search for. Wildcards (*) are also supported
lByDate = Serach files by Date. You can select the way they are compared, if they should be older or newer.
lBySize = Serach files by Size. You can select the way they are compared, if they should be bigger, smaller or exactly fit the size you specified.
lBySizeBetween = #cptnBetween
lBetween = #cptnBetween
lAnd = #cptnAnd
lBySizeAnd = #cptnAnd
cbDateModeI0 = Before
cbDateModeI1 = Between
cbDateModeI2 = After
cbSizeModeI0 = Above (>)
cbSizeModeI1 = Fit (=)
cbSizeModeI2 = Below (<)
cbSizeI2 = Bytes
cbSizeI1 = Kb
cbSizeI0 = Mb
lFilename = #cptnFilename
Caption = Registration
btnContinue = &Continue
btnRegister = &Register
cbWontRegister = I don't want to register, so don't show this dialog again┤!
lWelcome = Dear User, %n I hope you like Filzip so much that you will register%nfor free. Of course, I would also be happy about any criticism,%n suggestions for future changes or any bugs, as %n no software is perfect. You should also visit my %n homepage where you can download new versions and %n Updates.
lRegName = Your Name
lRegEmail = Your Email
lRegVersion = Filzip Version
lRegLanguage = Language
btnBack = &Back
btnSend = &Send Registration
gbRegData = Registration details
lRegInfo = The data you enter above is all that will be transferred to %n the Filzip registration server. Nothing else, no hidden information about system configuration or even any passwords. This function should just help you to stay up to date and be informed about updates.
lRegStatus = Registering...
lRegStatusSuccess = Registration was finished successfully.
lRegStatusError = An error occurred during Registration process. Please try again later...
Caption = Check for new Filzip releases...
btnDownloadUpdate = &Download
btnDownload = &Check
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnWhatsNew = What's new?
lRemoteFile = Downloading: http://
Caption = Printing list of files in archive
lblInfo = Printing ...
rgPrintTo = Print to ...
gbOptions = Options
lColumns = Print Columns:
cbIncludeArchiveComment = Include archive-comment
lNumberCopies = Number of Copies:
btnCancel = #btnCancel
btnPrint = &Print
SdfsBrowseDir = Please select output-directory...
cptnDirectory = Directory
cptnUpDir = Up-Dir
cptnUnknown = Unknown
cptnFilename = Filename
cptnFiletype = Type
cptnSize = Size
cptnPacked = Packed
cptnRatio = Ratio
cptnDateTime = Date / Time
cptnPath = Path
cptnAttributes = Attributes
seExtractToFolder = &Extract to
seExtractTo = E&xtract to...
seExtractHere = Extract &here
seAddToArchive = Add to %s...
seAddTo = Add to
seEmail = E&mail archive...
seEncrypt = Encrypt
seAddEncrypt = Add && Encrypt
seAddEmail = Add && Email
seCreateExe = Create Sfx archive...
seConvertZip = Convert to Zip
seTest = Test archive(s)
seDrive = Drive
seErrorOptions = Filzip - Error, go to Filzip options dialog
semsgError = Error
semsgFilzipNotFound = Error executing Filzip
semsgRegAccessError = Error accessing the system registry. Check your permissions!
seErrorPrivileges = You dont have enough privileges to %s this Dll! Please contact your system administrator.